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開催日時 2001年11月17日(土) 15:00~17:00

会場 岡山国際交流センター2階、国際会議場(JR岡山駅西口)

〒700-0026 岡山市奉還町2-2-1



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宛先 〒700-0907 岡山市下石井1-2-3 林原自然科学博物館 内 2001年林原フォーラム事務局


UPDATED December 2001

Jane Goodall, the world-renowned scientist, writer, primatologist and conservationist, had a talk in SAGA4 on the 17th November, 2001, about her deepest beliefs about spirituality and offer a message of hope. Goodall is the world's foremost authority on chimpanzees, having closely observed their behavior for the past quarter century in the jungles of the Gombe Game Reserve in Africa, living in the chimps' environment and gaining their confidence. Her observations and discoveries are internationally heralded. Her research and writing have made, and are making, revolutionary in-roads into scientific thinking regarding the evolution of humans. Last month she became the recipient of the Gandhi-King Award. It honors men and women whose life work embodies the principles and practices of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Previous winners of the award were Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, and Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa. The award is a joint initiative of the Millennium World Peace Summit of religious and spiritual leaders and world movement for non-violence. Goodall also received the J. Paul Getty Wildlife Conservation Prize for "helping millions of people understand the importance of wildlife conservation to life on this planet." She has received many other awards (like Kyoto Prize in 1990) and international recognitions. Goodall first went to Africa in 1957 to work with the famed anthropologist Dr. Louis Leakey. Despite having no formal training, Goodall was chosen by Leakey to do some pioneer work observing chimpanzees in 1960. One of Goodall's most dramatic early discoveries was that chimps made and used tools in order to obtain food. That finding challenged the existing belief at the time that only humans made and used tools. In 1977, she established the Jane Goodall Institute. Grounded in her pioneering study of chimpanzee behavior, the Institute emphasizes the power of the individual to make a difference for all living things. The Institute's research, conservation and education programs have created a worldwide network of individuals joined by their commitment to improving life on earth. With Goodall's words and example as guiding principles, the institute, based in Silver Spring, Maryland, inspires hope for a brighter future.

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